A few items of business first off:
1. Last week the power went out in the internet café as we were
writing emails and we had to start proselyting at 6 so I didn’t have lots of
time to reply to emails.
2. Por favorrrrrr send your emails before 9 am on Mondays because we
usually print out our emails to read at 9:30ish and from here on out I’m going
to wait till the next week to reply if you reply after we print because I don’t
have enough time to read the emails during writing time! We only really get
like 45 minutes after the other stuff that we have to do in our hour. Gracias!
Okay this week flewwwww by but some things from la semana:
* We went to Cambios on Tuesday (even thought we didn’t have
transfers) and I got to see Hermana Peterson and Hermana SELLERS! I was so
happy because I didn’t expect to see them there since none of us have transfers
until the next cambios. Also I realized at Cambios that like 80% of the
American missionaries here are blonde...
* We had a zone meeting on Wednesday. In our zone there are 6
Hermanas, 18 Elders, and a senior couple. Out of all the missionaries
(besides the senior couple) I am the only American Hermana so that’s pretty
neat I guess.
* I had to give a talk on Sunday... and they told me about it on
Friday afternoon... Ahh if you know me well you know how much talking in front
of people scares me. And on top of it being a talk, of course it was in
Spanish. So that made it even worse! Also, 6 of our investigators were at
church on Sunday so even more pressure to be powerful haha. It went pretty well
except for the fact that my voice was all shaky because I was so nervous. But
all the members said it was good so phew!
* We have been eating SO much lately. The past couple days I
have literally almost thrown up while taking a bite of food, from being so
full. And the other day Hermana Lopez said my face and lips were all white and
that I looked like I was going to pass out towards the end of one of the meals,
* Remember Patricia’s (our newest convert) daughter Marta and her
"husband" Jose Eduardo? (The are the parents of Victoria who is
getting baptized on Friday.) Well finally Jose agreed to a baptismal
date!!! Ahh we were seriously so happy! He was soo stubborn but finally he
came to us and realized how important baptism is and said he wanted to be
baptized. We invited Marta to be baptized after that and she said she wants to
but she’s going to pray about it. But we’re thinking it’s going to be a yes. We
have seen so much progress in their family it’s incredible. And their 3 kids
all love us and always draw pictures for me when we come to teach lessons haha.
We’re so excited to see them progress more.
* All the members have been telling me how much my Spanish has
improved from the first day when I knew like nothing and they’ve been saying
how good it’s gotten so I guess that’s good right?
* I just found out on Sunday that there’s this group of people that
lives like 3
streets down from us called the Panchitos who like killing, raping,
and robbing people... sweeeeeet. (Mom please don’t worry or say anything about
it to anyone of authority because if for any reason we get transferred from
this area because of it I will cry.)
* Yesterday we had to walk about .75 mile in the POURING rain and
when we finally got to the bishop’s house all my makeup was washed off and I
felt like I just got out of the shower. So they gave us sweats to wear for the
rest of the night and it was awesome. I´m sending the before and after pictures
Okay, I’m going to take some time to be a little serious and
spiritual... I want all of you to know that even though this is the
hardest thing I’ve ever done, I know that this is where I’m supposed to be. I
have learned and grown so much. My patience, tolerance, and capacity to love
have been so strenghtened and I feel more spiritually strong than ever. I have
had to put ALL my trust in the Lord and He has not disappointed me once. My
testimony of the gospel has never been stronger. I want you all to know that I
know that the Book of Mormon is true. It is the word of God. It goes hand in
hand with the Bible and is another testament of Jesus Christ. I know that
we are in the last dispensation of the gospel. I know that through Joseph
Smith, Christ restored His church on the Earth and that is the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a living prophet
of God. I have gained a testimony of the fact that this life really is the time
to prepare to meet God. If you don’t feel like you have a relationship with
God, build one. Pray. Read scriptures. Go to church. Put your trust in Him and
build your faith. We don’t have to be perfect. Our best is enough for God. We
can always repent, change our lives, and come closer to Him. We can never fall
far enough to be out of reach of His love. I know with all my heart that my
Redeemer lives. He has already paid for my sins and pains, and all of your as
well. All we have to do is come unto Him. I hope that you will take these words
to heart and act on them because I´m telling all of you these things bluntly
because I love you. I leave you with these things in Jesus’ name, amen.
I love, miss, and appreciate you all so much. I hope you all have an
amazing week(:
Love always,
Hermana Eyring
Zona Chiauhtempan Oeste (My current mission zone.)
(Before) Vida misional
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