Monday, May 4, 2015

"Hay un niño que siempre trata de comerme..." "Por qué Elder?" "Pues piensa que soy chocolate."


Okay I actually have a lot to talk about this week... haha, it was a good week!! First off today we had a district activity and we made our own ping pong table and played with a mini net, mini paddles and a ping pong ball that one of the Elders found. We had a world tournament and I got to practice a lot so I can beat my brothers when I get back. (; Then we played a super intense game of soccer and then we made french toast... woooh, haha.

On Tuesday we had our 3 month interviews with President Christensen, our mission president. As always I left super motivated and happy. (: These were our last interviews with President because in July we are getting a new mission president. :(

Random things...

* I miss bagels. I have been craving a bagel with cream cheese for so long and I have never seen one here. Anybody want to fly here and bring me a Chonga bagel from Starbucks? (;

* I FINALLY for the first time in my life found the man on the moon the other day and I was really excited about it so I just wanted to share...

* The weather here is bipolar. The other week it was suuuuper sunny and hot. And this week it has been raining like crazy. They don't have storm drains so the streets flood and we have to use speed bumps as bridges to cross the road.. haha. We've felt so bad because every time we've had members accompany us to lessons it starts raining super hard.

* In Mexico they seriously celebrate EVERYTHING. There's national kid's day (like Mother and Father's day, which they also have of course), national taco day, national worker's day, national teacher's day, national student's day, national flower day or something like that, national EVERYTHING day. Why don't we celebrate that much in the US? Haha

* Fun fact in case you didn't know: Yhe celebrations of 5 de Mayo are because of the Battle of Puebla. Here it's called "Battle of Puebla Day." So yeah, everyone gets crazy here in Puebla and everyone has parades and everything and I'm kinda excited. Even though we won't be in the city for it. :(

* The other day they found a dead, decapitated guy in the big park (where everyone goes to sit and hang out) in our area so that's cool... :o

Saturday was an AWESOME day and we had so many miracles. My favorite part was teaching one of our new investigators, Guadalupe. The first time we visited her she invited her mom to listen to us. The 2nd time she invited her brother-in-law to listen to us. Then this time she invited her mom, brother-in-law,and 5 kids to listen. So all 8 of them were all sitting there listening as we taught them the Restoration lesson and the spirit was SO strong.. wow! They were super interested and you could tell they were feeling the spirit too. Then at the end we asked if one of them would say the prayer and none of them wanted to do it because they were super shy so they were all pointing fingers at each other to choose who should do it. Then finally the mom agreed to do it. Her prayer was SO sincere. She even started crying when she thanked God for sending "las muchachas" to teach them.(: Wow.. I'm super excited to see where things go with them.

Yesterday we took 2 teenagers from our ward with us to teach some lessons. None of the people we were supposed to teach were there so we looked for a reference that was kind of far away in our area. As we were looking it started POURING. We were pretty much in the middle of nowhere so there was no where to go to cover us from the rain. We had to be pushed up against this random wall to somewhat keep the rain and hail from hitting us. We were like that waiting forever then Sebastian (one of the teenagers) said a prayer for us that it would stop raining or at least calm down so we could keep looking and like 2 minutes later the pouring rain changed to just a drizzle. So we kept looking. Then the sun came out completely and there was a pretty rainbow and the sky was AMAZING. I sent a picture of it but it doesn't nearly capture how pretty it was. The sun was shining rays through all of the clouds and it covered pretty much the whole horizon. It was amazing and we couldn't stop looking at it and trying to take pictures of it. It was an awesome experience. (: Then after we found the house of the reference it started pouring again... haha. The person wasn't home so we went back to the main part of our area. Basically we were walking about 3 hours in the rain without jackets or umbrellas... haha. It was a fun time!

Welp, the next time I write you I'll be telling you if I have transfers or not! I'm super nervous. :(

I love you all and miss you tons! I'm super excited to Skype my family this Sunday. WOOH! (: 
I know this church is true. It is Christ's ONLY true church on this earth. And there is no other way to return to our Father without the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We have a purpose in this life and the gospel helps us understand that purpose and find REAL joy in this life.

Have a wonderful week(:
Hermana Eyring

Our ceramic creations(:

You can't tell that much but the super cool sky yesterday. (:

The beginning of our adventure in the pouring rain.

I learned how to make tortillas and made a starfish (:

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